Tick season is expanding: Protect yourself against Lyme disease

In parts of the United States and Canada, warming temperatures driven by climate change may be contributing to a rise in tick-borne illnesses. Ticks are now thriving in a wider geographic range, and appearing earlier and sticking around later in the shoulder seasons of spring and fall. That means we need to stay vigilant about […]

When is a drug rash more than just a rash?

You were recently started on antibiotics for an infection and you are now doing well. But slowly your skin begins to itch, and the telltale signs of a rash are already popping up — first on your torso, and now spreading to your arms and legs. What do you do? Should you worry? Should you […]

Eating disorders spike among children and teens: What parents should know

During the pandemic, we have seen many more children and teens go to the emergency room with mental health problems. And there has been a notable rise in eating disorders, particularly among adolescent girls. Eating disorders include a range of unhealthy relationships with food and concerns about weight. Unfortunately, eating disorders are common. In fact, […]

Healthy oils at home and when eating out

Some people may be cautious when it comes to using oils in cooking or with their food. Eating fat with meals conjures thoughts of high cholesterol and, well, getting fat. The fact that some fats are labeled as “bad” adds to the confusion and misconception that all fats are unhealthy. But that isn’t the case. […]

Primary progressive aphasia involves many losses: Here’s what you need to know

When you think about progressive brain disorders that cause dementia, you usually think of memory problems. But sometimes language problems — also known as aphasia — are the first symptom. What’s aphasia? Aphasia is a disorder of language because of injury to the brain. Strokes (when a blood clot blocks off an artery and a […]

LATE: A common cause of dementia you’ve never heard of

If dementia is a general term that means thinking and memory has deteriorated to the point that it interferes with day-to-day function, what are the top three disorders that cause dementia in older individuals? Did you think of Alzheimer’s disease? Good! Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia. Did you also think of vascular […]

New Harvard tool helps fact-check cancer claims

The internet is full of warnings about things that cause cancer. Watch out for antiperspirants, scented candles, and bras, dubious web sites or sensational posts on social media warn. Steer clear of disposable chopsticks, microwaves, radon gas, and more. Scary or misleading claims are so plentiful that it’s hard to know which ones to take […]

Enjoy avocados? Eating one a week may lower heart disease risk

The creamy, pale green flesh of an avocado is full of nutrients closely tied to heart health. Now, a long-term study finds that eating at least two servings of this popular fruit per week is linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Study co-author Dr. Frank Hu, the Frederick J. Stare Professor of Nutrition […]

How to recognize and tame your cognitive distortions

Two things I have accomplished, in different realms, seem like they would require entirely different skill sets, yet I have discovered an unexpected overlap. The first is overcoming a vicious addiction to prescription painkillers, and the second is training to be a health and wellness coach. The common skills and practices of these two experiences […]

Long-lasting healthy changes: Doable and worthwhile

I’ve been a physician for 20 years now, and a strong proponent of lifestyle medicine for much of it. I know that it’s hard to make lasting, healthy lifestyle changes, even when people know what to do and have the means to do it. Yet many studies and my own clinical experience as a Lifestyle […]